Book Now


Recently I gave a presentation and asked if anyone in the room set resolutions this year. I don’t think anyone raised their hand, to which I was pleasantly surprised. Who wants to set themselves up for failure at the beginning of each year? Unless you are one of the few who actually accomplishes each and every resolution you set or even a majority of them, you are truly special.

I then shared that for the past few years, I have been choosing a word to be mindful of. Last year my word was “Me”. At first, I heard a little giggling. So I went on to say that yes, I do so much for so many people, that I wanted to bring some focus back to myself. Then I saw their heads nodding in agreement. I went on to share that the year before that, my word was “Action”. I love to hit that send button! I am not a procrastinator and I do take action quite often, actually to my own detriment at times. My intention that year was to share my energy and ability to take action with others, mostly my clients. I wanted to lead the way about taking action, because it is so courageous to stand in, or stomp out, any fears that may hold us back. The words “me” and “action”, were and are both great words to still be mindful of.

Forgetting my word during this presentation was actually not embarrassing at all. Losing my memory is just one of the more fun symptoms of aging. I did tell everyone that it was a really good word and that as soon as it comes back to me, I would share!

Love. Love is my word for 2018. The book I am writing is all about Love and I am loving myself more and more each day. So how could I forget about Love? Funny how once I took a moment to get calm and still, it didn’t take too much searching the semi-old memory files to remember it. In writing the book, I have come to realize, on day 102, that loving myself more, accepting more love, has not been the easiest thing to do.

I know it sounds silly, but I am still working on shifting my mindset about love. So, this year, I am all for love. I want to stay curious about love, think about love more often, give love and receive love. So I would like to challenge you. For the next few days, or even longer, can you be mindful of all that you do, whether personally or professionally, ask yourself one question, Is this love?