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Are you a giver in your business river? I know I am. So why is it that sometimes we givers can find ourselves attached to the occasional soul sucker? What is it about us that we can get caught up in all the fuss? We can focus on the pleasing beyond ones reasoning, and suddenly find ourselves knee deep in a heap of whacky tobacky.  

If we let it, we can easily play the blame game and fall victim to our circumstance, abiding in a buffalo stance.  Or we can give ourselves permission to kick up the dirt strong, and move on.  We can choose to let go and take a higher road.  We can win and be free from this silly game of captivity.

But there must be a lesson in that relation, perhaps a possible salvation. In every relationship we can find insight, and not be so forth right.  We are smart, savvy, valued and worthy.  Maybe there is more than what my eyes did see, beyond my hearts’ gravity.  Maybe in this scenario, I was the teacher to this soul seeker. 

So I chose to let that taker go, to go, and take from another soul.  I wonder if they’ve changed, or if the new soul will know. What I know is this soul won’t slow and this soul is walking a respectful road.

I am once again free to be me, with my valued integrity.