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this-is-meThis was me at age 13. Today, I am a radio talk show host with a pioneer marketing platform. But that’s not the legacy I want to leave behind. Even though making marketing fun comes very easily to me, there is more to what I do and more to what I give. What I want people to know is that I truly support women entrepreneurs with my own personal business experience and strategic insight to marketing. Albeit some women in business value FM radio exposure and visibility, which I can easily create copy for & provide, some women value tapping into my business experience in which they gain clarity for their own businesses.

I believe power comes in many shapes and sizes, as do women, and there are many women in business with powerful missions, that deserve to be heard. Whether they have a new encore career, or a steadfast veteran one, we all deserve quality, affordable, marketing & advertising, especially us women who think much bigger. I do combine the missions of many women entrepreneurs, with a desire to provide education and bring awareness to the community with content and relevance. It is both a thrill and a pleasure to help reveal these successful women to the community & beyond. They are my why.

My core values and morals were the same when I was age 13 as they are now. Back in the day, I had an inclination that I wanted to be a veterinarian after watching my cat give birth to a litter, and once I dreamed of being a mechanic after partially taking my bike apart and putting it back together. The passion inside of me to create and to build began to brew.

When I first created Powerful Women Revealed, some people said, “You can’t charge people to interview them or, I don’t pay to be interviewed.” So I had my share of doubt, fear and crossroads throughout this journey, but I kept my why in the forefront of my mind, knowing that inspiring women is my passion & purpose, both behind the microphone and beyond. So, I began crafting a marketing program, around my radio show, which turned into a strategic marketing platform for women to share their powerful missions and an easy place for my fans & listeners to find them.

The radio interview continues to be the catalyst, but the marketing strategy & insight that I provide, has become equally valuable to many women in business. In the beginning, I had a need for quality and affordability. What I give now goes far beyond marketing & advertising. Be careful when you tell a woman she “can’t” do something, because where there is a will, there is a way.

I’ve successfully dodged many rocks tossed at my glass ceiling, as I skip along the surface continuing to add layers of yet even more added value to my program. I’ve bottled my intuitive business sense & fresh perspective. I now share much more than the microphone with the women who want to have their voices heard, because I believe they truly deserve to be recognized, in a powerful way. The newest layer of power I provide, is helping you with specific strategies, that bring your ideal clients to you.